Addition of Double T-Rex Game

Every kid that has gone through preschool and kindergarten knows how to add numbers. It is child's play. But when you turn it up a notch and add doubles, then it is a different story.

"9+9?" asked the teacher, "18!" exclaimed the smartest kiddo in class. "But what happens when you add 18 and 18?" The class was filled with confusion.

The addition of doubles is the second step to becoming an expert in addition. This paves the way for one to compute even more difficult addition problems. Addition of double t-rex game will surely help kids with their difficulties on the matter.

This interactive game allows children to enjoy awesome graphics and storylines while helping them in their Math lessons. Roll the die and the number revealed will dictate the paces you make. Watch out because stepping on dinosaurs will drive you back. Answer the questions correctly and see our poor jungle boy back to safety in the home.

The game will surely develop the skills of children. All the more, it will also reflect outside as you will observe improvements in their class performances. Join in the fun and start playing (and learning!).